{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Asphalt Path
You are on a crumbling old asphalt path. There are lots of plants growing
through the cracks, and this path looks unmaintained. The path seems to follow
along the river, about 10 feet away, separated by thick trees and brush.
{img: 'images/locations/asphalt-path.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a crumbling asphalt path in the woods. There is a several foot thick strip of overgrown plants on either side of the path, followed by thick green woods.'}
[if passage.visits === 1]
{reveal link: 'As you are walking you startle a grey bird that was on the ground.', passage: 'Mourning Dove'}
[if game.haveSeenSighting("MODO1")]
You hear the gentle and sad song of the Mourning Dove.
The path heads towards the front of the park, or back to the main path.
> [[Go towards the front of the park->Main Parking Lot]]
> [[Go to the main path->Main Path]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Back Parking Lot
You arrive at a small parking lot that is surrounded by thick woods. At one end
is some sort of cabin or administrative building for the park. Near the building
is a very overgrown and wild path leading through a field even deeper into the
woods. To the left there's a short paved path that leads towards the big soccer
field. Opposite the building is a road that leads towards the main parking lot.
{img: 'images/locations/back-parking-lot.jpg', alt: 'A photo of a small parking lot with 3 cars in it. The lot is lined with tall green bushy trees. There is a path visible on the left side.'}
[if passage.visits === 1]
{reveal link: 'You hear a quiet rustling amongst the leaves.', passage: 'Eastern Towhee'}
> [[Take the overgrown path->Backwoods Path]]
> [[Go to the big soccer field->Big Soccer Field]]
> [[Head back to your car->Main Parking Lot]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Backwoods Path
The thin dirt path is lined with shoulder-high grasses. Past the grasses is
dense forest. The tree tops are thick, providing some welcome shade in the heat.
The trees are more spread apart on the ground, so you can see pretty far into
the woods. You can't see anything man-made. This path is rarely visited, and
{img: 'images/locations/backwoods-path-2.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing an overgrown path through a tall grassy field. The overgrown path is lined with tall bushy green trees.'}
In the field, there's a small disused wooden building the size of a shed. It
kind of looks like a child's playhouse.
The grass is so dense that you have to push through it to walk. The grass is
still covered in morning dew, which is making your pants legs and shoes fairly
wet. In past years this trail was a little more cleared, and you're worried
about ticks and not sure if you should be back here.
[if passage.visits === 1]
{reveal link: 'You hear a soft tapping somewhere above.', passage: 'Downy Woodpecker'}
{img: 'images/locations/backwoods-path-5.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing dense woods covered in shade. There is very tall grass obscuring any path that might be there.'}
The path continues deeper into the woods where you can hear water in the
distance. The other direction has the path opening up into a wider field.
> [[Head deeper into the woods->River Path]]
> [[Go towards the field->Back Parking Lot]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Big Soccer Field
A narrow paved path rings around the outside of a large field, which holds
several large white soccer nets. A small sign says the path is 0.7 miles. Two
people are power-walking around the path, one with a large yellow labrador and
the other with a husky. Both dogs are leashed.
{img: 'images/locations/big-soccer-field-1.jpg', alt: 'A photo of a vast green field, against a blue sky. On the right is a winding black asphalt path, a large green tree, and a white soccer net.'}
{reveal link: 'You scan the expansive soccer field grass.', passage: 'Big Soccer Field Sightings'}
[unless game.haveSeenSighting("EABL1")]
{reveal link: 'You check out the tops of the soccer nets.', passage: 'Eastern Bluebird'}
At the back side of the field a gravel path heads deeper into the woods. Off to
the right, the path forks off to what appears to be another parking lot.
> [[Head deeper into the woods->Gravel Path]]
> [[Check out the parking lot->Back Parking Lot]]
> [[Go back to your car->Main Parking Lot]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Front Bridge
Near the front of the park the road and path combine to cross over a short
concrete bridge. The bridge crosses over the Pope Lick river, which quickly
joins the Floyd's Fork river on the other side.
{img: 'images/locations/front-bridge-1.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a paved path next to a road crossing a concrete bridge with metal railings. Both sides of the bridge are covered with thick green foliage.'}
Various tree branches hang down over the river and you spot fishing line and a bobber tangled in a branch.
[unless game.haveSeenSighting("REBE1")]
{reveal link: 'You scan the trees hanging over the water.', passage: 'Red-bellied Woodpecker'}
[if passage.visits === 2]
{reveal link: 'You notice a large rock on the other side of the road just past the bridge.', passage: 'River Island Path'}
{img: 'images/locations/front-bridge-2.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a view off the side of the bridge. The bridge has a concrete road, with metal guardrails. Past the bridge is a greenish brown river with thick green forest on either side.'}
> [[Continue towards the front of the park->Front Field]]
> [[Head back towards the parking lot->Front Path]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Front Field
After the bridge, the forest opens up into a large field with short brush, lined
with tall, old trees.
[if passage.visits === 1]
{reveal link: 'You notice some birds flitting about near the power lines.', passage: 'Barn Swallow'}
{img: 'images/locations/front-field.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a large green field of mowed grass. A paved path curves from the left to the right, and crosses a road that curves from the right to the left. The field is lined with tall green trees and covered by a blue sky.'}
[if passage.visits === 1]
{reveal link: 'You scan the distant tree tops.', passage: 'Red-shouldered Hawk'}
The path continues north underneath Taylorsville Road and eventually
connects to Beckley Creek Park. This is usually as far as you go.
> [[Head back towards the bridge->Front Bridge]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Front Path
The path continues through the woods, not so far from the road. The foliage is
dense here, thick with new leaves, and the path is well groomed. You can
occasionally hear cars coming and going. You hear lots of different bird songs.
{img: 'images/locations/front-path.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a wide paved path going through the woods. There is about 2 feed of mowed grass on either side of the path, then thick green bushy forest.'}
[if passage.visits === 1]
{reveal link: 'You spend a few minutes listening to the bird chatter.', passage: 'Bird Chatter'}
This path is part of the <a
href="https://louisvilleky.gov/government/louisville-loop" target="_blank">Louisville Loop</a>,
a path that will eventually encircle the entire city, and is currently about 100
miles long.
[if passage.visits === 1]
As you're standing there, you hear someone shout "on your left!".
You look behind and a group of cyclists wearing <a
href="https://www.louisvillebicycleclub.org/" target="_blank">Louisville Bicycle
Club</a> jerseys cruise past you.
[if passage.visits === 2]
A shirtless jogger, covered in sweat, runs past you. He's wearing dark glasses,
and holding a water bottle.
> [[Head to the front of the park->Front Bridge]]
> [[Go back to the parking lot->Main Parking Lot]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Gravel Path
This path is fairly well maintained. This medium width path is covered in light
colored gravel that crunches loudly under your feet. Each side is flanked by a
strip of grass a few feet wide, then a dense forest of thin trees that provide
ample shade. Most of the leaves are high up, so it's easy to see between the
trees on the ground.
You decide to walk on the grass so you don't scare away any wildlife.
{img: 'images/locations/gravel-path.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a light gray gravel path leading into the woods. The path is enveloped by thick trees.'}
[if passage.visits == 1]
You pass a woman walking a huge caramel brown goldendoodle. You're thankful that
it's leashed. You both nod at each other as you pass.
{reveal link: 'You pause to look at the tree trunks.', passage: 'White-breasted Nuthatch'}
[if passage.visits == 2]
As you're walking, you spot a plastic food wrapper in the grass and pick it up.
{reveal link: 'It is very quiet until suddenly you hear a loud chittering call.', passage: 'Carolina Wren'}
This path runs north towards the big soccer field, and south towards the river.
Parallel to the main path as far as you can tell. At the end near the river it
forks with the maintained portion going to the left, and a narrow unmaintained
dirt path cutting through knee-high grass to the right.
> [[Take the maintained fork towards the river->River Bridge]]
> [[Take the unmaintained fork towards the river->River Path]]
> [[Go towards the big soccer field->Big Soccer Field]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Main Parking Lot
It's sunny with bright blue skies. Luckily it's early so it's not too warm yet.
[if passage.visits === 1]
The parking lot is half full. Some people are pulling bikes off racks on their
You pull out your phone and open your <a href="https://ebird.org"
target="_blank">bird tracking app</a>. You select <a
href="https://ebird.org/hotspot/L596209" target="_blank">the hotspot for the
Pope Lick park</a>, and start a new checklist for today.
[if passage.visits === 2]
The parking lot is getting fuller. You see a small group of older women chatting
in a circle.
The parking lot has two small soccer fields along the left side, and a small
playground and big soccer field at the far end.
{reveal link: 'You scan the small soccer fields.', passage: 'American Robin'}
{img: 'images/locations/parking-lot-1.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a road entering a parking lot full of cars. There is a field on the right of the parking lot with a black wooden fence separating the two.'}
[if passage.visits === 1]
{reveal link: 'You pause for a moment to observe.', passage: 'Song Sparrow'}
[if passage.visits === 2]
{reveal link: 'You notice movement in the sky.', passage: 'Vultures'}
The road continues further into the woods. You notice a paved path that splits
in three directions. To the right, the path enters the woods in the direction of
the park entrance. Straight ahead, the path goes along the big soccer field. To the
left, the path goes deeper into the woods.
{img: 'images/locations/parking-lot-2.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a road splitting a field and paved path. The road goes from left to right, and the paved path goes from front to back. The distance is lined with tall green trees. The right path has a white soccer net.'}
> [[Follow the road deeper into the woods->Back Parking Lot]]
> [[Follow the right path towards the entrance->Front Path]]
> [[Go straight along the big soccer field->Big Soccer Field]]
> [[Follow the left path deeper into the woods->Main Path]]
[if passage.visits > 1]
> [[Get back in your car. The end.->Ending]]
[continue]_photo: Math.floor(Math.random() * 3.0)
{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Main Path
You are on the main path through the park. It is wide and paved. The grass
alongside the pavement is neatly mowed. Beyond the grass is taller grasses,
flowers and other plants you can't identify. You routinely see many different
butterflies, bees, flies amongst the plants. The path is heavily trafficked with
cyclists and joggers passing you often. Because you stop regularly to observe,
even people walking at a normal pace pass you.
[if _photo === 0]
{img: 'images/locations/main-path-1.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a paved curving path winding through the woods. The path is wide enough that the trees are separate allowing lots of sunshine in, and the blue skies is visible.'}
[if _photo === 1]
{img: 'images/locations/main-path-2.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a wide paved path curving to the left through the woods. The trees are bending over the path creating shade and a tunnel effect.'}
[if _photo === 2]
{img: 'images/locations/main-path-4.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a paved path curving right through the woods. The path is wide enough that the trees are separate allowing lots of sunshine in, and the blue skies is visible.'}
[if passage.visits === 1]
An older man on a recumbent bicycle whizzes past you.
[if passage.visits === 2]
Two women wearing neon tank tops jog past you. One has a bluetooth speaker on
her hip that is belting out pop music.
[if passage.visits === 3]
A large group of noisy hikers ambles past. You pick up various bits of
conversation, but nothing describing what they're doing or the name of their
The path is long, mostly lined with tall mature forest, with occasional
clearings. This path is part of the <a
target="_blank">Louisville Loop</a>, and extends the entire length of the park,
and well beyond it.
{img: 'images/locations/main-path-3.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a paved path with a smaller crumbling path forking off to the right going into the woods.'}
[if passage.visits === 1]
{reveal link: 'As you are walking a bird flies low across the path.', passage: 'Field Sparrow'}
[if passage.visits === 2]
{reveal link: 'You spot a bright yellow bird in some tall plants off the side of the path.', passage: 'American Goldfinch'}
[unless game.haveSeenSighting("NOCO2")]
{reveal link: 'You pause to listen.', passage: 'Northern Cardinal'}
At one end of the path lies the main parking lot, and the other end is a bridge
crossing over the river. Somewhere in the middle of the path, an old asphalt
path forks off in the same direction as the main parking lot.
> [[Go towards the bridge->River Bridge]]
> [[Take the asphalt fork->Asphalt Path]]
> [[Go towards the main parking lot->Main Parking Lot]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# River Bank
You walk to the edge of the path, and see that the bank of the river is a six
foot drop straight down. The river is fairly wide here, but it curves around
several wide flat gravel embankments. You see a deflated deer carcass on one
gravel embankment. You see several soda or beer cans washed up in various
places, and an old flannel shirt tangled in some roots poking out of the river
bank near you.
{img: 'images/locations/river-bank-3.jpg', alt: 'A photo looking out across a river. The water is brownish-green. There is a dark brown v shaped tree trunk in the forground. There appears to be an island in the river covered in thick green brush, and a big clump of logs on the right in the river. The background is covered in green trees.'}
[if passage.visits === 1]
{reveal link: 'You see a weird duck quietly drifting down the river.', passage: 'Common Merganser'}
> [[Go back to the main river path->River Path]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# River Bridge
You arrive at a large rusty steel bridge that takes the park's main path across the
Floyd's Fork river. On the far side of the bridge you see a large open field on
the right, and a thick forest climbing uphill on the left. The path continues to
the right.
{img: 'images/locations/river-bridge-6.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a rusty metal bridge arcing over a river. There is thick green brush on the close side of river, and tall trees on the opposite side.'}
[if passage.visits === 1]
{reveal link: 'You walk onto the bridge and look over the side down at the river.', passage: 'Mallard'}
You hear a bell go "ring-ring", and turn around to see an older couple on
e-bikes approaching the bridge.
[if passage.visits === 2]
You spot a group of four young women jogging, one of which is wearing a t-shirt
with a Manual High School logo.
This is as far as you usually go in the park. You know it continues on for quite
a while, but usually you don't see as many birds in that section, and anyways
it's starting to get hot out.
The main path returns towards the front of the park, but there's also a gravel
path that forks off to the side.
> [[Take the gravel path->Gravel Path]]
> [[Return on the main path->Main Path]]You look closer at the rock, and you notice a heavily obscured path going into
the woods towards the river.
{img: 'images/locations/river-island-path.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a view into thick green woods. There is a narrow obscured path going straight down the middle, with a large gray rock on the right side.'}
[unless game.haveSeenSighting("REBL1")]
{reveal link: 'Pausing for a car to pass, you hear a bird.', passage: 'Red-winged Blackbird'}
> [[Take the hidden path to check out the river->River Island]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# River Island
You carefully navigate the overgrown path through the woods towards the river.
The path is thin and muddy, and crossed with tree roots that would be easy to
trip over. A strand of a spiderweb clings to your face.
When you make it to the river bank, you see a narrow island in the middle. The
part of the river between you and the island is clogged up and the water is low,
allowing you to cross muddy gravel to walk onto the island.
{img: 'images/locations/river-island-1.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a gravel riverbed crossing shallow water towards and island on the left. Tall green trees fill the background.'}
{reveal link: 'You take a moment to look through the mud.', passage: 'Raccoon Tracks'}
You walk onto the island and stand at the tip of the downstream end. Surrounded
by water and tall forest you feel a deep sense of peace. You stand there for
several minutes taking it all in and emptying your busy mind.
{img: 'images/locations/river-island-2.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing the point of the island bank with green water on either side, looking downriver.'}
{reveal link: 'Interrupting your thoughts, you hear a loud rattling call down the river.', passage: 'Belted Kingfisher'}
> [[Return back to the bridge->Front Bridge]]{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# River Path
You come across a narrow muddy path deep in the woods that parallels what must
be the Floyd's Fork river. The path is set back from the river a good bit, but
it occasionally forks towards little viewing spots on the river bank. The path
is lined with 2 foot tall thin green grasses. You see several damselflies
floating around the grasses.
{img: 'images/locations/river-path-4.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing dense woods covered in patchy shade. There is a thin dirt path going straight down the middle. Thick green plants are on either side, with tall trees everywhere in the distance.'}
The path is muddy, but there are tracks in the mud, so people have been back
{reveal link: 'You look at the tracks in the mud.', passage: 'Deer Tracks'}
[unless game.haveSeenSighting("BRCR1")]
{reveal link: 'You browse the large gnarled old growth trees between you and the river.', passage: 'Brown Creeper'}
{img: 'images/locations/river-path-5.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a dirt path going up a grassy hill exiting the woods. It is sunny and there is blue sky in the background.'}
The path goes up a small hill and exits the woods where you can see people
walking by. Halfway down the path there's a rusted gate with a well-worn path
that used to be a rough car road. At the far end of the path it turns right and
goes deep into the woods.
> [[Take a small fork to look at the river->River Bank]]
> [[Go up the hill to exit the woods->River Bridge]]
> [[Take the old road->Gravel Path]]
> [[Go deeper into the woods->Backwoods Path]]With its bright yellow plumage and jet black wings, it's easy to identify the
**American Goldfinch**. Plus, they regularly visit your feeders to eat sunflower
seeds at home. You love how they change from a drab olive-yellow in the winter
to lemon yellow in the summer. Just another way birds help you mark the passing
of the seasons. You notice this individual has a black cap, marking it as a
male. It hangs upside-down as it works on prying seeds from the plant it is
hanging on.
{img: 'images/sightings/american-goldfinch.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a yellow bird perched on a flower leaning forward. The bird has a black cap, and black wings with white wing bars. The bird has an orange beak. The background is blurry green leaves.'}
{sighting: "AMGO1", species: "American Goldfinch", amount: 1, notes: "One male."}[unless game.haveSeenSighting("AMRO1")]
You see five **American Robins** in a loose group combing through the grass for
{img: 'images/sightings/american-robin.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a black songbird with a red breast standing on a grassy field. The bird has a green caterpillar in its yellow beak.'}
{sighting: "AMRO1", species: "American Robin", amount: 5}
The robins are still combing the fields.
[continue]You see several dark birds flying quickly near the power lines that cross over
the field. They have really long wings that reach well past their bodies, which
would make them either swallows or swifts. You watch for a while and one
eventually perches on the wire. You get a good look at it, and it's deep blue on
top, and rusty reddish brown below, making it a **Barn Swallow**.
{img: 'images/sightings/barn-swallow.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing nine birds with really long wings on two power lines. The birds have dark blue head, back, and wings. The birds have an orange face and throat, and a white belly. The background is solid blue sky.'}
{sighting: "BASW1", species: "Barn Swallow", amount: 9}You look downriver towards the rapid-fire sound. From around the bend a medium
sized blue-gray bird comes quickly along the right side of the river about 20
feet up. The bird is thick and stubby with a long thick bill. It has a white
underside, and as it flies overhead you can see a brown band going across its
belly making this a female **Belted Kingfisher**.
{sighting: "BEKI1", species: "Belted Kingfisher", amount: 1}[unless game.haveSeenSighting("EUST1")]
You scan across the top of the grass, and notice a flock of a dozen or so
**European Starlings** combing through the grass for snacks.
{img: 'images/sightings/european-starling.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing seven small black birds on a green field with a black wooden fence in the background. The birds have pointy yellow beaks, and they are combing through the grass for food.'}
{sighting: "EUST1", species: "European Starling", amount: 12}
The starlings are still foraging on the field.
[unless game.haveSeenSighting("KILL1")]
Further to the left, you spot a single **Killdeer**. Maybe it has a nest nearby?
{img: 'images/sightings/killdeer.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing the left facing profile of a medium sized bird. The bird has a brown back, white underparts, with two black rings around the neck. The bird has a short black beak, a white eyebrow and an orange iris.'}
{sighting: "KILL1", species: "Killdeer", amount: 1}
You can't find any Killdeer on the field.
[continue]You hear several common bird songs all going at the same time. Taking a moment
to mentally separate them, you first pick out a **Northern Cardinal** high and
to your right. The trees are too thick to see it, but you're confident in your
{sighting: "NOCA1", species: "Northern Cardinal", amount: 1, notes: "One heard."}
To the left, you hear the gentle "peter, peter, peter" call of the **Tufted
Titmouse**. You can see movement in the shadows, and you eventually get a good
look. You see these cuties all the time at your home feeders.
{img: 'images/sightings/tufted-titmouse.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a small perky gray bird standing alert on a horizontal tree branch. The bird has a beady black eye, a small black beak with small patch of black feathers running up the nose. The bird has white underparts with dark gray wings and feet.'}
{sighting: "TUTI1", species: "Tufted Titmouse", amount: 1}
Way off in the distance you hear a couple **American Crows** cawing.
{sighting: "AMCR1", species: "American Crow", amount: 2, notes: "Two heard."}These old trees must've been around forever. You think they must have many cool
stories to tell. Their branches curl and twist, reaching out widely.
Out from behind one tree trunk is a little brown bird, zigging and zagging,
picking at the bark. It moves similar to a nuthatch. It is a **Brown Creeper**.
Its speckled brown back side blends in so well that its hard to see when its
not moving. It has a white underside, and a long thin downward curved bill that
reminds you of a wren. You've never heard one of these make a sound. Do they
even have a song?
{img: 'images/sightings/brown-creeper.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing the underside of a brown tree branch with a well camouflaged brown bird clinging to it. The bird is brown with tan speckles, a fuzzy white underside, a tan eye stripe. The bird has a thin black downward curved beak.'}
{sighting: "BRCR1", species: "Brown Creeper", amount: 1}You hear the loud call, and quickly turn to the right. It's coming from a large
pile of downed branches maybe 15 feet off the path. You see a little brown bird
hopping amongst the branches. It's a **Carolina Wren**. While you're thinking
about how to differentiate its song from a Northern Cardinal's, it belts out
another loud verse. While you're watching, two more wrens hop out of the
shadows. These two have more unkempt feathers and little yellow corners on their
beaks. They must be juveniles! As they get close to the first one, they bend
down, shake their wings, and open their mouths wide in a shameless display of
begging for food. How lovely!
{img: 'images/sightings/carolina-wren.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a small brown bird perched on a thin branch looking to the left. The bird has a dark brown top side, a light brown breast, a white chin, and a thin black downward curved beak. The bird also has a thin white eye line. The background is blurry gray.'}
{sighting: "CAWR1", species: "Carolina Wren", amount: 3, notes: "One adult with 2 juveniles."}<a
target="_blank">This duck looks kinda punk-rock.</a> It's got a flat reddish
frizzy head and a long thin orange bill. You know from the shape of its head
that it is some kind of merganser, but you don't see them very often, and you
decide to consult your app. The frizzy head isn't big enough to be a Hooded
Merganser. The red head rules out the Red-breasted Merganser. That leaves the
**Common Merganser**, and it's definitely not the male, but scrolling further
you see photos of the female, and it's a match!
{sighting: "COME1", species: "Common Merganser", amount: 1, notes: "One female."}Down in the mud you see mountain bike tracks, dog tracks, and some boot prints.
Looking at another muddy patch, you see several deep impressions of deer tracks. They look like semicircles split open in a "v" shape.
{img: 'images/sightings/deer-tracks-1.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a patch of mud surrounded by short green plants. There are two deep v-shaped deer tracks in the mud.'}
This area is thick with flying insects like damselflies, regular flies, and
little butterflies. Luckily no mosquitoes yet.Bending your neck upwards, you look towards the tapping sound. It's difficult to
see much with all the leaves. You walk forward a bit, circling the noise.
Suddenly a black and white bird flies out from behind one tree, and onto another
tree on the other side of the path. It's got a black and white striped pattern
down its back, so you know it's either a smaller Downy Woodpecker or a larger
Hairy Woodpecker. Because it's higher up and there's no size reference, it's
harder to tell. The two species look extremely similar, but you look closely at
the tail and see black spots on the outer white tail feathers. Also, it is
missing the small red patch on the back of its head. This means it's a female
**Downy Woodpecker**.
{img: 'images/sightings/downy-woodpecker.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a bird with a black back and white front clinging vertically to a tree branch. The bird has white spots on the wing feathers, and a white stripe down the middle of its back. The bird has a white chin, and two white stripes on its black head.'}
{sighting: "DOWO1", species: "Downy Woodpecker", amount: 1, notes: "One female."}Looking at the top bar of the closest white soccer net, you spot two blue birds
perched on top. Looking closer, you see that one bird has really bright blue
feathers all over with a rusty red breast. This is a male **Eastern Bluebird**.
The other bird looks similar, but the colors are faded, with the blue
approaching a gray color. This is a female **Eastern Bluebird**.
{img: 'images/sightings/eastern-bluebird.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a blue bird with an orange breast and white belly. The head of the bird is turned left, and the bird is perched on the corner of a silvery metal soccer net.'}
{sighting: "EABL1", species: "Eastern Bluebird", amount: 2, notes: "One male/female pair."}You take a few moments to scan the forest floor nearby. You see movement among
the leaf litter. There you notice a chocolate brown bird blending in. It has
orange sides, a white breast and belly, and a red eye. It's a female **Eastern
Towhee**! You usually hear their conspicuous "tow-hee" call, but this one has
been quietly scratching for insects on the ground.
{sighting: "EATO1", species: "Eastern Towhee", amount: 1, notes: "One female."}The bird lands on a tall stalk on the opposite side of the path from you. It's a
"LBJ", or "little brown job", meaning a small brown bird that looks like lots
of other small brown birds. You study it through your binoculars to look for
identifying features. The bird has a brown cap and wings with a grey face and
underparts. It has a conical pink bill, which combined with the plain breast
makes it a **Field Sparrow**. After a couple minutes of watching it, it sings
out a song that sounds like a ping pong ball bouncing, which confirms the ID.
{img: 'images/sightings/field-sparrow.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a light brown bird perched on dry brown sticks. The bird has a white eye ring, pink beak, and darker brown on the top of its head and wings.'}
{sighting: "FISP1", species: "Field Sparrow", amount: 1}On the muddy river bank below you see a pair of **Mallards**. They appear to be
sleeping, with their heads tucked in, and standing on one leg. Even though
Mallards are common overall, you rarely see them in this park. You wonder why
this pair doesn't have any ducklings this year.
{sighting: "MALL1", species: "Mallard", amount: 2, notes: "One male/female pair."}
{img: 'images/locations/river-bridge-3.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a view upstream a river. The river water is greenish brown. The river is lined by thick tall green trees on both sides.'}A medium sized grey bird flies up from the path, landing on a tree branch above
you. You didn't even see the bird on the path because it blended in so well. You
recognized the sounds it made as it flew, and you look upwards to confirm that
it is indeed a **Mourning Dove**. As you walk away it starts to sing its sad
sounding song. Before you were a birder you remember you used to think that song
was from an owl.
{img: 'images/sightings/mourning-dove.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a plump greyish bird perched on a thick horizontal tree branch. The bird is overall a warm pinkish-gray with darker gray wings, a beady black eye, ans short black beak. The background is blue sky.'}
{sighting: "MODO1", species: "Mourning Dove", amount: 1}You clearly hear a loud two-part bird song of descending notes. You scan the
tree tops and manage to see the bright red male **Northern Cardinal**
responsible for the song. He stretches upward and sings again.
{img: 'images/sightings/northern-cardinal.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a bright red bird with a black face mask and orange beak. The bird is perched on a tree branch with a blurry green background.'}
{sighting: 'NOCO2', species: 'Northern Cardinal', amount: 1, notes: 'One male.'}Looking down, you notice some tracks in the wet mud. Along with some shoe
prints, you notice a bunch of deep paw prints about an inch or two across. Each
print has five thin toes, and it almost looks like a hand print. These must be
from a raccoon!
{img: 'images/raccoon-tracks.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing greyish brown mud. There are several deep raccoon paw prints in the mud, each with five thin fingers.'}The trees are thick with leaves. Still, you scan left-to-right looking for
motion. There! Fairly high up on the side of the river closest to you, you spot
a medium sized bird. The bird has a black back covered in small white speckles,
and a white head with a thick red stripe running across the top from the bill to
the nape. It's a male **Red-bellied Woodpecker**. The bird pecks at the tree
bark, and hops right, circling the tree.
{img: 'images/sightings/red-bellied-woodpecker.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a medium sized woodpecker clinging to the side of a tree trunk. The bird has a white underside with black wings that have white speckles. The bird has a thick red stripe across the top of its head from the beak to the nape.'}
{sighting: "REBE1", species: "Red-bellied Woodpecker", amount: 1, notes: "One male."}You scan the tree tops at the edge of the field. You see a few different clumps,
but recognize them as either holly or squirrel nests. About two-thirds of the
way through, you see a bird's silhouette near the top of a dead snag. Hawks can
be difficult to differentiate at such a distance, so you walk closer. You see
the belly of the bird has lots of red, and it creeps onto the shoulder of the
birds wings, making it a **Red-shouldered Hawk**.
{img: 'images/sightings/red-shouldered-hawk.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a reddish-brown hawk standing upright on a horizontal tree branch. The bird has a chocolate brown round head, reddish-brown chest, and dark brown wings with white spots that become reddish-brown spots near its shoulders.'}
{sighting: "RSHA1", species: "Red-shouldered Hawk", amount: 1}You're very familiar with the **Red-winged Blackbird's** call, which is very
common everywhere in the region near wetlands. You look everywhere, but you
can't see it. It's coming from somewhere towards the river. While searching,
you're pretty sure there's at least 2 birds calling back and forth.
{sighting: "REBL1", species: "Red-winged Blackbird", amount: 2, notes: "Two heard."}You notice a bird singing nearby. Focusing, you recognize it as the song of a
**Song Sparrow**. Scanning the edge of the parking lot, you see motion in a
patch of tall tan plants on the other side of the black parking lot fence. After
a moment, you see the bird hop out and belt out another song.
{img: 'images/sightings/song-sparrow.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a brown songbird perched on a leafless brown branch. The bird is overall light tan, with dark brown stripes on its head, and dark brown streaks on its breast.'}
{sighting: "SOSP1", species: "Song Sparrow", amount: 1}Looking up you notice six dark birds gliding in wide circles, rarely flapping
their wings. You know there's two types of vultures in the area. Turkey Vultures
have a red head, and Black Vultures have a black head. However, they're so high
up you can't discern the color of their heads.
You pick out a vulture and notice its wings appear to have lighter circles on
the tips of its wings. That makes it a **Black Vulture**.
{sighting: "BLVU1", species: "Black Vulture", amount: 2}
Sorting through the other vultures, you see one that where the back edges of the
wings are lighter. That makes it a **Turkey Vulture**. You also notice that the
Turkey Vultures appear to have longer tails than the Black Vultures.
{img: 'images/sightings/turkey-vulture.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing the underside of a Turkey Vulture as it soars overhead. The bird is entirely black except its bald red head and yellow beak. The edges of the birds wings let some light through appearing silvery. The background is a solid blue sky.'}
{sighting: "TUVU1", species: "Turkey Vulture", amount: 4}Looking at the tree trunks, you see motion. Looking through your binoculars,
maybe 50 feet away you spot a bird walking head-first down a tree trunk. There's
three species that can do that in this region, and only one would have a gray
back that matches the tree bark. A **White-breasted Nuthatch**. You love these
goofy birds. You listen closely and hear the quiet "ha ha" sound it makes as it
searches for bugs living in the bark. It flies from tree to tree, sometimes
going up, sometimes upside down on the bottom of a horizontal branch.
{img: 'images/sightings/white-breasted-nuthatch.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a blue-gray bird walking downwards on the side of a tree trunk. The bird has a black cap on its white head. The feathers on the birds back have black centers with blue-gray edges.'}
{sighting: "WBNU1", species: "White-breasted Nuthatch", amount: 1}{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Credits
*Writing, Photos, Sounds*: <a href="https://ericlathrop.com" target="_blank">Eric Lathrop</a>
*Playtesting*: Carter Pryor, Colton Ramos, Kristy Yeter
*Technology*: <a href="https://twinery.org/" target="_blank">Twine</a>
Special thanks to <a href="https://louisvillemakesgames.org/"
target="_blank">Louisville Makes Games</a> and <a href="http://dai5ychain.net/"
target="_blank">Jake Elliott</a> for giving the storywriting workshop that got
me started on this project.
{img: 'images/me.jpg', alt: 'A portrait photo of a middle-aged white man smiling at the camera. It is me, the author. I have blue eyes and a short salt-and-pepper beard. I am wearing a tan wide-brimmed hat with a string coming down around my chin, and a green shirt with black harness straps around my shoulders, and big black headphones around my neck. Behind me is a green forest and cement path.'}
> {back link}_individuals_seen: game.countIndividuals()
_species_seen: game.countSpecies()
{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Ending
You are tired and hungry for breakfast. The sun is full and high against a
cloudless blue sky, and it's starting to get pretty warm out. You decide you're
done for the day, happy with the birds you've seen and so happy to have gotten
out of the house for a while.
You open your <a href="https://ebird.org" target="_blank">bird tracking app</a>,
review your sightings for the day and submit your checklist.
You saw {_species_seen} species of birds.
You saw {_individuals_seen} individual birds.
{html: game.generateTable()}
You get in your car and head for home, thinking of all the cool things you saw
*Thank you so much for playing. I hope you enjoyed your experience, and maybe
even learned something. Birding is a wonderful hobby, and I'm thrilled to share
it with you.*
> [[Credits]]
> {restart link}config.style.page.theme.override: "light"
config.style.page.theme.enableSwitching: false
{embed passage: "Page Header"}
# Birding in Pope Lick Park
*By <a href="https://ericlathrop.com" target="_blank">Eric Lathrop</a>*
You woke up at 7:30am. It's Saturday. You were hoping to sleep in more, but you
peek out your window to see it's sunny and nice outside. You feel fairly
energetic, so you decide to go to your usual park for some birding.
Driving down Taylorsville Road, you spot the sign for <a
href="https://theparklands.org/find-a-park/pope-lick-park/" target="_blank">Pope
Lick Park</a>. You slow down, making a right turn into the entrance.
{img: 'images/pope-lick-sign.jpg', alt: 'A photo showing a brown sign that says "Pope Lick Park". Behind it there is a bridge and the road curves around the sign to the right. A paved path goes underneath the bridge.'}
You drive down a narrow road, past a field, over a short bridge, through the
woods, finally emerging at the parking lot by some soccer fields. You park your
car, and grab your water bottle and binoculars.
> [[Get out of your car->Main Parking Lot]][JavaScript]
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